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The Carlisle Citizen
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April 1, 2010     The Carlisle Citizen
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April 1, 2010
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Page Eight ° The Carlisle Citizen ° Thursday, April 1, 2010 Appel Files for Re-election Senator Appel filed nominating petitions with Iowa Sec- retary of State Michael Mauro recently• Senator Staci Appel of Warren County filed nomi- nating petitions recently with the Iowa Secretary of State, making her re-elec- tion bid official. Appel rep- resents Senate District 37, which includes all of War- ren and Madison counties, and a portion of Southwest Dallas County. "I am running for re-elec- tion to the Iowa Senate so that I can continue to listen and represent hard working families and small business owners in Senate District 37. Every day of my first term, I have worked to make a positive difference in the lives of citizens in Warren, Madison and Dal- las counties. I have been able to do that by listening and by taking action," Appel said. Appel says that Iowa's children are the future of our state and that's why she has been a leading advocate for policies designed to in- crease educational opportu- nities and expand access to health care for children and their families. "I will also continue to work hard to promote poli- cies that create high-paying jobs in our local communi- ties, increase student achievement and make Iowa a leader in the devel- opment of renewable fuels," said Appel. Appel pointed to several accomplishments by the Legislature during her first term, including: • Balancing the state bud- get without raising taxes each year • Increasing the state's minimum wage for thou- sands of working Iowans • Expanding early childhood educational opportunities • Raising teacher pay from 42 nd to 26 th in the nation • Making healthcare afford- able and more accessible for Iowa children and their families Appel serves as chair of State Government and headed up the Government Reorganization Committee, which worked to find effi- ciencies and cost-saving op- portunities in state govern- ment. "This year, on the heels of the national economic reces- sion, we faced an unprec- edented revenue shortfall," said Appel. "We took the extraordinary step of evalu- ating the way we do busi- ness in state government. We consolidated resources and passed a bi-partisan bill that along with an early re- tirement incentive program for state workers and cuts the governor made will save Iowa taxpayers $270 mil- lion." "The ideas we used came from many places including professional organizations, legislators---on both sides of the aisle and from men and women in Iowa," she added. "The dozens of community forums and legislative lis- tening posts I attended this year in Senate District 37 provided me with a great quantity of input from con- cerned citizens• I listened and took their ideas and concerns with me to the State Capitol where we worked to formulate the very best way to keep mov- ing Iowa forward." "The best way for me to be an effective voice for my dis- trict is to hear from con- stituents about what is im- portant to them. I can al- ways be reached at home at (515) 961-6982," Appel said. Carlisle Christian Church Disciples of Christ 305 Market Street, Carlisle Adult Sunday School - 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 a.m. Rev. Karen L. Moore, Pastor From The Desk of State Representative Jodi Tymeson March 19, 2010 Budget Bills Continue to Move Forward We've entered the final two weeks of session that will consist mostly of debate on budget bills. I have voted no and will be voting no on all the budget bills for a number of different reasons. There are large problems created for next year by the use of one-time money. Fines are raised in order to enable more government spending• Over $300 million in additional cuts were rejected by the majority party. Senate File 2366 made $51.1 million in supplemental appropriations to several areas for the current FY 10 bud- get. Funding was restored to ten education programs to put the state back in compliance with the rules for using federal stimulus money. House File 2519 is the federal block grant bill that pro- vides the mechanism for the state to receive $6.3 billion in federal funds• This bill decreased general fund spending of state aid to schools by $48 million then replaced the state money with federal funds. This practice of using one- time money for school aid is fiscally reckless. House File 2526 is the health and human services bud- get that appropriates nearly $955 million. This is an irre- sponsible budget, as it uses $545 million in one-time money creating a huge hole for the budget next year. The Senior Living Trust Fund and the Underground Storage Tank Fund have both been emptied. The majority party touted the fact that 20,000 more Iowans are on Medicaid• How is that a good thing? House File 2525 is the Agriculture and Natural Resources budget that appropriates $36 million to these two depart- ments. I serve on the subcommittee for this budget. One thing I learned that should be changed; DNR keeps their fees and uses them for operations, but the Department of Agriculture is not allowed to keep their fees. This has cre- ated a real imbalance• House File 2522 is the economic development budget that appropriates $41.8 million to the Departments of Economic Development, Cultural Affairs, and Workforce Develop- ment. House Republicans offered an amendment (that was rejected) to prohibit state employees from taking two or more consecutive furlough days. This is necessary because federal unemployment compensation rules allow employ- ees who are furloughed for more than 2.5 days to claim unemployment benefits. During debate, the question about how much money the state would owe for unemployment was not answered. We tried to stop funding for heated side- walks, but this amendment was also rejected. Senate File 2378 is the justice system budget that ap- propriates $484 million to public safety, corrections, at- torney general, public defense, and homeland security• The bill raises all fines by a total of $9.1 million which will also increase the amount collected from surcharges. Over 32,000 Iowans are charged with failure to wear a seat belt each year. That fine will increase from $25 to $75 and be assessed the 35% penalty surcharge. The Attorney Gen- eral tried to raise (by rule) his 10% of cash in forfeiture proceedings to 20%, meaning less would be retained by local law enforcement agencies. The Legislature put lan- guage in this bill that maintains the 10% allowance. House File 2518 is the biennial bill that deals with changes to several public retirement systems - IPERS, Public Safety Officers, and Statewide Fire and Police Re- tirement System. This bill compounds the state's finan- cial problems by making an ongoing commitment of $5 million per year for at least 20 years to shore up the Pub- lic Safety Officers fund. In addition, there will be a $30 million commitment for schools, on top of the property tax impact from the state underfunding state aid. I voted no. It appears at this point there will not be the traditional salary bill this year. Usually, the legislature passes a bill to at least partially fund the negotiated salary and benefit increases. With no bill, the departments will have to fund the increases from their budget which will probably re- sult in further layoffs or furloughs. Senate File 2380 is the bill that changes tax credits in Iowa. The end result of this bill, according to the fiscal note, will be tax increases of $5.4 million in FY 11, $53.7 million in FY 12, and $82.1 million in FY 13. We tried, without success, to have this money deposited into a prop- erty tax relief fund instead of the general fund. Several tax credits have been reduced or eliminated. The film tax credit will be suspended until July 1, 2013. House Repub- licans were successful in adding an amendment to estab- lish a tax expenditure review panel and schedule of tax credit review that will review all credits. House Republi- cans were also successful with amendments that sustained the Beginning Farmer Agricultural Asset Transfer pro- gram and the School Tuition Organization tax credit• Even though we were able to save some of the credits, I voted no, as this bill is a tax increase• How to Contact Me I can be reached at, or by telephone at the Capitol 515-281-3221, directly to my desk in the House Chamber 515-281-7615, or at home 515-462- 5081. PleaSe send mail to my home at 1524 Highway 169, Winterset, IA 50273, or the State Capitol Building, Des Moines, IA 50319. I appreciate hearing from you. The Appel Report By Senator Staci Appel March 25, 2010 Legislature wrapping up fiscally responsible plan to help middle-class Iowans, small businesses In the last days of the 2010 session of the Iowa Legisla- ture, we are wrapping up the final pieces of a fiscally re- sponsible plan to help middle-class families, small busi- nesses and other Iowans recover from the national reces- sion. I remain committed to balancing the state's check book without raising your taxes. I've worked hard this session to ensure that state government works for you, not against you. That's why I'm supporting a responsible financial plan that includes saving more and spending less. I'm making sure Iowa families and small business own- ers recover from this national recession stronger than ever by giving them the tools they need now, including good jobs, affordable health care and quality education. Throughout this session, I have been guided by your sug- gestions and common-sense principles, including: ** No new taxes for middle-class families. ** Eliminating wasteful government spending. ** Expanding job-creation incentives for Main Street busi- nesses. ** Improving government efficiency for taxpayers. Based on these principles, I have supported initiatives this year to: ** Make state government leaner and more accountable to the public with a sweeping plan to reorganize and streamline services, saving taxpayers more than $120 million. ** Save nearly $60 million a year with an early retire- ment plan for state employees. ** Save more than $70 nillion through an executive order by Governor Culver that makes state government more efficient• ** End some business tax credits, cut many remaining credits and dramatically increase accountability for all tax credits. These steps will reduce Iowa's tax credit liability by more than $115 million. ** Shift the focus of our state's tax credits away from Wall Street by investing more in our Main Street businesses• This is our first step toward ensuring that tax credits will be eliminated if they aren't creating jobs or accomplishing their goals• These are difficult times for family budgets, and the state budget is no different. We face significant challenges, but Republicans and Democrats in the Legislature have worked together to focus on the priorities of Iowans and small businesses. Representative Kent Sorenson Promotes Bear Project Representative Kent Sorenson announced he is encouraging Iowans to par- ticipate in the Iowa Na- tional Guard Officers Auxiliary's (INGOAux) "Bear Hug" project. Since 2001 the INGOAux has been assem- bling and distributing cus- tom made Teddy Bears for each child under the age of 12, of a deployed Iowa sol- dier or airman. The Teddy Bear serves as a source of comfort and as a link to the soldier. In the fall of 2010, the Iowa National Guard faces the largest deployment since World War II. The INGOAux has set the goal of raising $30,000 to help provide a Teddy Bear for the 5,000 children who will be affected. "Iowa's brave soldiers and their families make sac- rifices every day," said Rep- resentative Sorenson. "This project is just a small way we can support the families and children of those de- ployed." According to Representa- tive Sorenson, a check can be mailed to the INGOAux at Polk County Bank, P,O. Box 79, Polk City, Iowa 50226• You can also get more information by visit- ing: Carlisle Veterinary Clinic 550 S. 2nd St - Carlisle Peggy Baber, D.V.M. "Compassionate Care at Reasonable Prices" Internal & Preventative Medicine, Surgery, Dentistry, Microchipping, Acupuncture, Emergencies & TLC 7:30 am to 5:30 pm Monday thru Friday 8 to 12 noon Saturday CLOSED Wednesday Drop Offs Welcome 989-4075 00Uty cut • mToraabte Serving Monu00nt 1514 North Lincoln, Suite C • Knoxville, IA 641-828-7172 (Knoxville Insurance Building) Custom Memorials of granite and Bronze visit us at and online monument design Marion County's only locally owned Monument Shop